
Posts in the Uncategorized category

Mercedes-Benz Charging Systems

The design, operation, and diagnosis of charging systems and battery control modules Early Batteries It is not certain exactly when the first battery was conceived but Allesandro Volta is credited with developing the first battery. Archaeological digs have discovered...

Autonomous vehicles – Are you ready for this?

Just a few years back I wrote about Google’s self-driving vehicle being tested in the Las Vegas area and at the time honestly it seemed so farfetched. Just too many variables to overcome to make the concept of an autonomous vehicle a reality. As more and more players...

Tips for Winter Driving

  With winter driving conditions upon us it is prudent for drivers to take the time to make sure their vehicles are in shape and ready for winter driving conditions. Cold temperatures, icy and snowy conditions can increase your chances of mechanical breakdowns...

How long should I keep my vehicle?

I am often asked this question and there really is no easy answer or hard and fast rule for when you should replace your vehicle. There are some important things you need to consider however before you make your decision.  One question I ask people is: “Do you...

Safety Recalls

Recently a customer asked me about the current air bag safety recall concerning his vehicle and was concerned whether or not his vehicle was involved.  If you were not aware about 7.8 million vehicles, made by 10 different automakers, have been recalled to...

The Modern day Tune Up

In the automotive world the modern day tune up is quite different than in your father's day or your grandfathers day. Gone are points and condensers, distributor caps and rotors, carburetors etc. We still have spark plugs to change although the intervals on some...

Gasoline Direct Injection

Gasoline direct injected engines or GDI is the new standard for efficiency in the modern fuel injected engine of today’s automobiles. Fuel efficiency is the main attribute of this new design. Simply put the fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber instead...

Did you know?

Did you Know? The car of the future needs a driver's license. We've heard of self-driven cars being tested, but did you know that they will need their own special license to be used on the open road? Nevada was the first state in the US to authorize self-driven cars...